After spending 3-1/2 hours enduring the long lines, surly clerks, and insane regulations at the department of motor vehicles, I stopped at a toy store to pick up a gift for my son.

A man is in bed with his wife when there is a knock on the door. He rolls over and looks at his clock, and it's half past three in the morning.

"I'm not getting out of bed at this hour," he thinks, and rolls over.

The LAPD, the FBI, & the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.

Lets face it, there are a lot of dumb people out there. Sometimes you want to express how stupid they really are and here's how . . .

Start by calling them . . .

Some examples of why the human race has probably evolved as far as possible. These are actual instruction labels on consumer goods...